
sacred dialogue on race

Tell us about your Sacred Dialogue


On Sunday, May 18, 2008, we commenced our Sacred Dialogue on Race and Racism. On that day, the Metropolitan Chicago Synod, the ELCA and our ecumenical partners began a conversation on the state of racism and antiracism in our church and society.


Dialogues on race and racism are never easy. However, this sacred dialogue is the beginning of a conversation that we hope will engender a deeper sense of understanding and trust.


A sacred dialogue enables us to jointly obliterate the fear and resentment that is ever-present when the topic of racism is broached.


A sacred dialogue provokes meaningful and fruitful conversations regarding the formation of antiracist identities; regarding the eradication of the depressing, debilitating and hopeless state that is racism.


As this dialogue progresses, this website will be a repository for resources to assist you on this most personal of journeys. Another Pebble? is the place to come when you need assistance as you grow in your antiracist identity; it is the place to come to for an ever expanding set of resources that will assist your congregation as you plan your own “sacred dialogues”.


Sunday, May 18, 2008 was only the beginning! It was the start of a transformative process for our Church. We encourage you to begin thinking about how you can contribute to this conversation during the coming months and years.


May the blessing of God give us strength for the journey,

May the Spirit of Wisdom give us vision for the road,

May the love of Christ make us caring companions,

As together we walk the path towards an antiracist church.




We welcome you to the conversation!




Racial Justice Statement from the Presiding Bishop of the ELCA 

ELCA Church Council Resolution on Racism 

Worship, Prayers and Litanies

Eucharistic Prayer

Alternate Lectionary Readings

Litany for the Day of Sacred Dialogue on Race

Liturgy for the Day of Sacred Dialogue on Race


Prayer for the Day of Sacred Dialogue on Race

Preaching Points

Sample Sermon

Suggested Hymns

Lutheran World Relief: Elements of Worship – Liturgy, Music and Prayers for Justice

A Four Directions Prayer of the People

A Simple Liturgy for Challenging Racism


Online Resources




For Further Study

Additional Resources for the Day of Sacred Dialogue on Race

Addressing Racial Privilege

The Construction of Race and Racism 

Freed in Christ: Race, Ethnicity and Culture (ELCA Statement on Race) 

Denouncing Racism – A Resource Guide of Faith-Based Principles 

Being a Multiracial and Multicultural Church 

NCOR Handbook for Neighborhood Conversations on Race 

A Church for all people bible study 



  1. I haven’t really read much on your web site. I’m very supportive of what you’re trying to do, however, as a visualy impaired person I would like to know why you desigend a web page with such light print that I find it very, very difficult to read. If you have something important to say why don’t you say it in black and white so visually impaired people and senior citizens can read it?

  2. Robert,

    We are in the process of making the site more accessible for the visually-impaired. Stick with us for the changes.

  3. If there is a mailing list that would send updates from the website, I would love to recieve them. I am being trained by Lutheran Human Relations Association to be a workshop facilitator. The next phase of my training will be to attend Crossroads workshop in January. I understand that this is also a requirement to serve on the Synod’s anti-racism team. Once accomplished I would be delighted to join the team.


    Marnie Rourke

  4. I, too, would appreciate updates from this website, as well as word on who to contact regarding using your copyrighted materials. You have excellent resources. I would like to use your stone meditation, and perhaps other materials at a four-state (U.S.) conference which is our first joint step toward increasing cultural proficiency and fighting racism in our synods. I am an assistant to the bishop of the Arkansas-Oklahoma Synod. My phone number is 918-492-4288. Thanks for any help you can provide.

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